Saturday, December 31, 2011

2012 is fast approaching

By the time some of you see this, it will be 2012.  Where has the year gone?

I took a moment to look at my resolutions from last year.  I ate more gelato then I needed to and consumed less vegetables than I said I would.  I did grow out my hair a little, but it didn't last long. Between the Florida weather and the thickest hair my stylist has ever seen, it didn't end well.'s a new year.  And new resolutions are to be made.

Resolution #1

Break in my new Babycakes Cupcake Maker and muffin top pan.

Resolution #2

Be there for all the big moments in this little guy's life.

Resolution #3

Lose 20 pounds.

Whoooaaa.....sorry.  My cat must have ran across the keyboard.  I don't know where that came from. Let's try that again.

Resolution #3 

Be happy with my choices, my mind, and my body.  Love all that makes me who I handles and all.  Celebrate in the fact that I have an amazing husband who loves me and makes our baby laugh every day.  And look forward to what 2012 has to offer.  

I hope everyone had a great Christmas and be safe tonight bringing in the new year.  See you soon with some new recipes.

The Baking Pixie

1 comment:

  1. I've wondered how those cupcake makers would work. let us know. And kiss those sweet baby cheeks. They grow up too fast. :)
